2016 Memorial Day- We Remember Our Fallen Brothers

Memorial Day is one of our nation’s oldest and most significant holidays. It is a day of remembering the more than 1.1 million men and women who died while serving in the country’s Armed Forces.
This weekend, Americans in large numbers will visit our 134 national cemeteries in 40 states (and Puerto Rico) as well as 33 soldier’s lots and monument sites to honor their loved ones, neighbors, colleagues, even some unknown to them, commemorating the men and women who gave their lives in defense of our nation. We recall the glory of sacrifice of all who have set their personal aspirations aside for the preservation of our society. Whether we recognize those who served in World War I, World War II, our Cold Wars in Korea and Vietnam, the liberations in Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan, America’s bloodiest war–the Civil War, or countless others who served and sacrificed their lives in smaller American conflicts around the world, we owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to the men and women who took up arms against the enemies of the United States of America. They laid down their lives to ensure a brighter future for the loved ones they left behind.
Alpha joins with all Americans in honoring military brothers who have been called to the “Altar of Freedom” in offering prayers for them and their families who sacrifice to this day.
Happy Memorial Day.
Mark S. Tillman
General President