Everything you need to remain engaged with the Fraternity
The Alpha Membership Experience
Welcome to the highly-anticipated, AlphaMX, the Alpha Membership Experience. AlphaMX is our newly-designed, mobile-friendly, membership database, which is fully integrated into a user-friendly website. Brothers can now create and modify your existing profiles, add a biography and photo, make payments and donations, update chapter directories, view registrations, shop exclusively through the AlphaShop portal, and much more.
Alpha Needs Every Brother
An active brotherhood is the lifeblood of our organization. And although ‘College days may swiftly pass,’ our mission remains constant. That’s why the decision to get active after several years, or remain active each year is such an important one. It is, however, up to all Alpha men, to decide what level of engagement will best suit and compliment their lives.
How to Get Active
- Upon successful login to AlphaMX, find the Transactions tab.
- Under My Invoices, Transactions, Receipts there will be an invoice to pay to get active.
- If the invoice is not present you must call Alpha HQ’s to get an invoice created for you.
If you have an issue with logging into your AlphaNet account, please contact the Membership Department at (410) 554-0040 or membership@apa1906.net for assistance.
If you do not have an AlphaNet account, please contact Membership for assistance as well.
How to Reclaim a Brother
The SPHINX® Magazine
The Sphinx® Magazine still remains the voice of the Brotherhood of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc ®. The magazine contains information and inspiration on topics ranging from education to politics to the achievements of Brothers around the world.

Catch Up On Our Social Media
From social media to video and photos Alpha Phi Alpha keeps you up to date with the latest in fraternity news, programs and events.
Alpha Leadership Academy for College Brothers
The purpose of the academy is to provide a thorough, intense experience for young men who have been elected to some leadership role at the various levels of our fraternity. What makes this program unique is the student development foundation on which it is based. Several student development theories will be used as the theoretical framework within which this academy will operate. Such theories include the Student Wellness Model for holistic development, involvement theory, moral development, service learning and many more. The Wellness Model will be of particular importance because it allows us to tap the cognitive, social, spiritual, physical, and cultural dimensions of our college brothers’ development.
The Alpha Phi Alpha Education Foundation is now accepting applications for the Chi Class until April 15, 2019.
For more information, read Academy Director Brother Dr. Ralph Johnson’s letter.
Contact Us
Mailing Address
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
2313 Saint Paul Street
Baltimore, MD 21218-5211
P.O. Box
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
3000 Homewood Avenue
P.O. Box 16008
Baltimore, MD 21218
Open Weekdays
8:30AM – 5:00PM EST
410.554.0054 Fax