Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. 2013 General Convention, Austin, TX

Dear current and former Vendors,
I bring you greeting and best wishes from Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., the oldest inter-collegiate African-American Greek letter organization in existence today. On behalf of this esteemed organization, I would like to take this opportunity to invite your company/organization to participate in the Fraternity’s 107th Anniversary/92nd General Convention being held in Austin, TX from June 26 – 30, 2013. Attached to this message you will find the forms necessary to secure your spot at this prestigious event. This will be our first convention in over two (2) years since our leadership chose to cancel the 2012 convention in Miami, FL,. Therefore, the fraternity expects the turnout to be bigger than ever in the Lone Star State. The city of Austin has opened its doors to our dear fraternity and the response from our brotherhood has been unprecedented.
This year we have decided to implement a new voucher program to our brotherhood. Each registered brother at the conference will receive a voucher worth $15 dollars which they will be able to use at any registered vendor at the conference. Each vendor will be reimbursed for all vouchers that they receive at their booths. This is our effort to increase the number of potential buyers that frequent our vending area. This is just one of the many new items that we are introducing this year! Attached below you will find a link to our Vendor Advertisement form which you can utilize to advertise your company and the products you are offering. In addition, I am including the Convention and Fraternity licensing packet. You may also go to the Fraternity’s national website under “Programs and Partnerships…Licensed Vendors” will you can click on the links that will point you to these attached documents.
Convention Digital Advertising Packet
ALL REGISTERED VENDORS AT THE CONVENTION WILL BE REQUIRED TO ATTEND AN INFORMATION SESSION ON TUESDAY, JUNE 25TH FROM 6:00 P.M. – 8:00 P.M. Additional information will be provided at the time your application packet is processed.
If you have any questions or comments after reading through the material please feel free to contact me at 410-554-0040 ext. 142
I look forward to meeting and working with each of you.
Darrell A. Smith, Sr. H H Λ ‘12
Project Manager – Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity ®
2313 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, MD 21218 -5211 | 410.554.0040 direct | 410.554.0054 fax