Brother Collier Working to Change Trajectory
Brother Collier [Kappa Eta ’16], who was born in Gallaway, Tennessee, moved to Memphis when he was 6 years old, and his mother raised him alone. Being raised in a single-parent household created obstacles during his childhood.
Brother Robinson Making Music Work
A Business Administration major at Clark Atlanta University, Calvin Robinson [Alpha Phi ’13], a.k.a. youngcalimojo, knows that making it as a rapper is about more than just music.
Welcoming Brother Best

It gives us great pleasure to officially introduce you to Brother Daniel Best, the new national program manager for Go to High School, Go to College (GHGC).Brother Best is a 2012 initiate of the fraternity through Epsilon Nu Lambda Chapter seated in Portsmouth, Virginia. Brother Best has years of experience in federal and state grant administration having worked as a grant compliance auditor for the Virginia Department of Housing (VHDA) as well as a grant administrator and compliance officer for several municipalities within the Virginia area. In these roles, he has administered many grants ensuring that programmatic activities, budgets, and performance align with objectives and regulations set forth by grantors. Brother Best earned a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in International Relations from Shaw University in Raleigh, NC and a Master of Arts (M.A.) in Urban Affairs from Norfolk State University.
Please join me in welcoming Brother Best into his new role within the fraternity. You may contact Brother Best via email at or by phone at 757-270-4798 regarding the Go to High School, Go to College Grant funded by the U.S. Department of Justice.
Brother Davenport Enters Omega Chapter
Horace Alexander Davenport, the first African American judge in Montgomery County, died in his home on Tuesday, March 21, 2017. He was 98.
Judge Davenport was a first in many areas of his life. Though he never sought praise, his life was filled with professional accomplishments, community service and charitable giving well beyond what might have been predicted for a farmer’s son born on February 22, 1919 in Newberry, S.C.
Congratulations, Brother Gregory J. Vincent
Dear Brothers:
It’s with great excitement that I share some phenomenal news. Our good brother, Dr. Gregory J. Vincent [Alpha Rho Lambda ’87], national chairman of the Commission on Racial Justice, has been appointed as the new president of his alma mater, Hobart and William Smith Colleges located in Geneva, N.Y. Brother Vincent, a 1983 graduate of Hobart, will serve as the 27th president of Hobart College and the 16th of William Smith College. He is the first alumnus to lead the colleges.
As a national expert on civil rights, social justice, and campus culture, Brother Vincent has an extensive career as an attorney, campus leader, and professor. Throughout his career, he has displayed a fervent and unwavering commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion and has made it his mission to remove systemic and institutional barriers to success and equality.
Early in his career, he served as Ohio’s assistant attorney general, where he successfully argued several civil rights cases before the state’s Supreme Court. He also served as the director of regional and legal affairs at the Ohio Civil Rights Commission and vice president and lead counsel for Bank One.
Later in his career, Brother Vincent was appointed as assistant vice chancellor for academic affairs at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He was then named vice provost for academic affairs and campus diversity and law professor at Louisiana State University (LSU). Following his time at LSU, Brother Vincent was appointed as the vice provost for Institutional Equity and Diversity at the University of Oregon where he also served as a professor of law.
In 2005, Brother Vincent began leading the Division of Diversity and Community Engagement (DDCE) at the University of Texas, Austin. He also serves as the W.K. Kellogg Professor of Community College Leadership and Professor of Law. Through Brother Vincent’s hard work, leadership, and fervent commitment to racial and social justice, the DDCE has grown to encompass a $50 million budget with more than 400 employees and 50 units, as well as 400 local and regional partners, and now serves as a national model. For his service and community engagement, Brother Vincent has received numerous awards and recognitions, notably the Educator of the Year Award from the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education. He is a member of Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity (The Boulé) where he serves as the grand sire archon-elect (president-elect).
Brother Vincent attended public schools in New York City where he graduated from the Bronx High School of Science. A Statesman on both the Hobart basketball and cross-country teams, he majored in history and economics at Hobart, served as a resident advisor, and was presented the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Leadership Award at graduation. He earned a law degree from the Ohio State University Moritz College of Law and his doctorate from The University of Pennsylvania.
I am confident in saying that this achievement is a great honor for both Brother Vincent and the fraternity. His hard work and commitment to diversity and inclusion have certainly been respected and admired and I am excited to see him take that same level of commitment with him as he leads Hobart and William Smith. Given our current climate as a society, his leadership is needed more now than ever before. As a fraternity, we share in his joy as he joins the legacy of Alpha men serving as college and university presidents.
The men of Alpha stand ready to support Brother Vincent as he moves forward in this new role. May he find all the resources needed to succeed on this journey from our proud organization. It is men like Brother Vincent who lift Alpha’s profile in the world and give us our reputation as the College of Friendship, the University of Brotherly Love and the School for the Better Making of Men.
Join me in congratulating our good brother, Dr. Gregory J. Vincent, on his new appointment. Well done, brother!
Onward and Upward Always,
Everett B. Ward, Ph.D.
General President
Remembering Brother King, 49th Anniversary of MLK's death
Remembering Brother King, 49th Anniversary of MLK's death
Remembering Brother King
49th Anniversary of MLK’s death
Members of Alabama State University student government and Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity laid a wreath on campus to remember Martin Luther King Jr. on the 49th anniversary of his death.
King, a member of Alpha Phi Alpha, studied for his doctorate on ASU’s campus during the civil rights movement. He also gave the commencement speech in 1954.
“I pray that (King’s) dream continue to live on through us,” said Shane Parks, SGA president.
King was assassinated in Memphis on April 4, 1968.
Congrats, Brother Barry Jenkins #Oscars
Congrats, Brother Barry Jenkins #Oscars

My Brothers of Alpha:
It was a fantastic night of many things.
It was a night of historical firsts as Brother Barry Jenkins [Iota Delta ’99] became the first African American to score nominations for best director, best picture, and best writing adapted screenplay in the same year. The film’s co-editor, Joi McMillon, becamethe first African American to earn a nomination for achievement in film editing. Mahershala Ali, who played a sympathetic drug dealer mentoring a bullied young man in the film, “Moonlight,” is the first Muslim actor to win best supporting actor. And Viola Davis,who won best supporting actress, became the second black woman to win an Emmy, an Oscar, and a Tony for acting.
It was also a night of twists and turns. Brother Jenkins and Mr. Tarell Alvin McCraney, who wrote the play that became “Moonlight” and co-wrote the screenplay, won the Oscar for best writing adapted screenplay. And although Brother Jenkins lost the award forbest director, the biggest award of the night, the Oscar for best picture, went to “Moonlight” despite some confusion at the time.
To some, this win is a direct response to the #OscarsSoWhite controversy of years past, but regardless of the issues that have brought us here, “Moonlight” is a powerful movie with a message all black men, especially Alpha men, should discuss and use as a conversationstarter in our communities. Brother Jenkins and his team did a fantastic job weaving a story of sexuality, drug abuse, mass incarceration, and school violence, ultimately asking the question: What is the nature and meaning of manhood?
Brothers, if you haven’t watched this movie, please take the time to do so. Do me a favor, send congratulations to Brother Jenkins on Twitter @BandryBarry,letting him know that his brothers in Alpha stand beside him as his star shines.
Onward and Upward Always,
Everett B. Ward, Ph.D.
General President
Schedule for Submitting Constitutional Changes
Schedule for Submitting Constitutional Changes
As we approach the 111th Anniversary Convention in Baltimore, Maryland, the Committee on Constitution provides this memo to offer key dates and direction to brothers, chapters, and regions when submitting proposed changes to the constitution and bylaws of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity.
Pursuant to Article VI, Section 1.1, Amendments of the Fraternity’s Constitution, “any member or chapter wishing to amend the General Constitution shall submit the proposed change to their respective Regional Vice President not less than 60 days prior to the next succeeding Regional Convention.” The due date, by region, for submission to the RVP is:
- Midwestern Region – January 15, 2017*
- Southern Region – January 23, 2017*
- Eastern Region – January 30, 2017*
- Western Region – February 5, 2017
- Southwestern Region – February 20, 2017
*Dates have passed. Please consult your RVP.
In submitting proposals, it is important that the following format is used per Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised 11th Edition (RONR):
I, [insert your name], move to amend/add…by striking/inserting…
Original Article / Section / Subsection | Proposed change | Rationale |
For example, I, Cash Sutton III, move to amend Article IV, General Offices, Section 3, Election Procedure, Subsection 3.2, by striking the word “mailed” and inserting the word “distributed” after “ballots” and “be.”
Original Language:Article IV, General Offices, Section 3, Election Procedure, Subsection 3.2: Except as provided for in Section 3.22, election to the office of the General President shall be by ballots mailed to each member who is in good standing according to the records of the Executive Director, as of the first (1st) day of April of the year in which an election is held. Ballots shall be mailed not later than the twenty-first (21st) day of April of an election year, and sent by the Elections Committee. The candidate receiving the largest number of votes cast shall be declared elected to the office. | Proposed Change:Except as provided for in Section 3.22, election to the office of the General President shall be by ballots distributed to each member who is in good standing according to the records of the Executive Director, as of the first (1st) day of April of the year in which an election is held. Ballots shall be distributed not later than the twenty-first (21st) day of April of an election year, and sent by the Elections Committee. The candidate receiving the largest number of votes cast shall be declared elected to the office. | Rationale: Removing the word “mailed” opens the opportunity for the fraternity to distribute ballots via other means (electronic, paper, etc.) as presented by the Elections Committee and adopted by the General Convention. |
Please take care in reviewing the fraternity’s constitution and bylaws to ensure the proposed change does not conflict with another article, section, or subsection. If the committee determines a conflict and a proposed change was not offered, the committee will have no other option but to recommend the proposed change not be approved.
Upon receipt, the RVP must submit proposed changes to chapters within 30 days of their regional convention. Chapters should expect to see the proposed changes by:
- Midwestern Region – February 15, 2017
- Southern Region – February 23, 2017
- Eastern Region – February 28, 2017
- Western Region – March 5, 2017
- Southwestern Region – March 20, 2017
Upon approval by simple majority of the delegates present and voting, proposed amendments must be submitted immediately to the executive director to ensure he meets the submission due date to chapters: May 12, 2017.
Adoption of proposed amendments requires a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the delegates present and voting at the General Convention in Baltimore, Maryland.
Article XII, Section 1.1, Proposals for Amendment of the Bylaws states, “all proposed amendments to the General By-Laws shall be submitted in writing to the Executive Director not less than sixty (60) days before the next succeeding General Convention.” All proposed amendments to the bylaws must be submitted by May 10, 2017, in time for the executive director’s distribution to chapters on May 12, 2017.
Again, in submitting proposals, it is important that the following format is used per RONR:
I, [insert your name], move to amend/add…by striking/inserting…
Original Article / Section / Subsection | Proposed Change | Rationale |
Adoption of proposed amendments to the bylaws requires three-fourths (3/4) vote of the delegates present and voting at the general convention in Baltimore, MD.
Official Governing Policy Guidance and Regulations of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity
Please take care when submitting proposed changes to our constitution and bylaws by NOT offering administrative changes. Administrative changes (due dates, etc.) belong in the Official Governing Policy Guidance and Regulations of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, which was created by the delegates at the 2007 General Convention in Orlando, FL, when they bifurcated the fraternity’s constitution and bylaws, removing all administrative items. If the committee determines the change is administrative in nature, the committee will have no other option but to recommend the proposed change not be approved.
Time Until an Amendment Takes Effect—Constitution and Bylaws
Upon ratification by chapters, the amendment shall take effect on December 8, 2017, unless the amendment provides a due date; the due date cannot supersede the approval process contained in the constitution and bylaws. For example, an amendment cannot become effective immediately upon the adoption by the delegates at the General Convention because chapters must vote on the action taken by the convention. However, an amendment may become effective later than December 8, 2017, provided it is stipulated at the time it is offered.
Finally, please take care in crafting proposed changes. The fraternity’s historical practice is to greatly limit delegates from amending amendments, which is consistent with RONR. “If bylaws require previous notice for their amendment…no amendment to the bylaw amendment is in order that increases the modification of the article or provision to be amended. This restriction prevents members from proposing a slight change and then taking advantage of absent members by moving a greater one as an amendment to the amendment.… The same principle applies to an amendment in the nature of a substitute for sections or articles.… The proposed amendment substitute is open to amendments that diminish the amount of change, but not to amend to increase it or to introduce new changes” (RONR, 11th ed., p. 595). For reference, when RONR mentions bylaws, it means in principle constitution and/or bylaws.
If you have any questions or you need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the constitution committee chair, Brother Cash Sutton III, at
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc: An Early Advocate of Black History
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc: An Early Advocate of Black History
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity has always valued the history and culture of people of African ancestry on the African continent and throughout the diaspora. Since our inception in 1906, we have consistently advocated for the discovery, preservation, and promotion of our past. Our brothers have been at the forefront of correcting the errors, omissions, and distortions about our past, while telling of our trials and tribulations to the nation and to the world.
Drs. Carter G. Woodson, an Omega, and Jesse E. Moorland, an Alpha—the founders of Black History Month—incorporated The Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH) on October 2, 1915 in Washington, DC. Brother Dr. George Cleveland Hall was the first president of ASALH. Eleven Alpha men, more than any other fraternity, have served as ASALH presidents.
Before the establishment of Negro History Week in 1926 (now Black History Month), Alpha Phi Alpha promoted the study of black history with a regular column in the Sphinx Magazine. One hundred years ago, in 1917, the General Convention, meeting in Philadelphia, called on each chapter within the fraternity to appoint a historian to pursue research and discussion of black history.
We have a legacy to uphold in observing Black History Month. Brother Dr. Charles H. Wesley, past general president and national historian, who also served as executive director of ASALH reminded us that the purpose of Black History Month (Negro History Week) is “… to change the image of the Black Americans through history. The current consideration of the advancement made by Negroes in political life and in civic activities should be paralleled by the view of his experiences in our past.”
As part of Alpha’s advocacy and action initiative, we must therefore make certain that our past is recorded accurately and completely, that it is reflected in every area of American life, and especially that it is competently taught in our schools at every level. We cannot assume that because there is general recognition of Black History Month, even from the White House, our history and heritage is well known and respected. As Brother Dr. Martin Luther Jr. reminded us: “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”
Robert L. Harris, Jr. National Historian
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
ASALH National President, 1991-92
February, 2017
Apply Now: 2017 Alpha Leadership Academy application is available online!
Apply Now: 2017 Alpha Leadership Academy application is available online!
It is our pleasure to announce the 20th anniversary Alpha Leadership Academy for college brothers, which is scheduled for June 3–10, 2017, at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore.
The purpose of the academy is to provide a thorough, intense experience for young men who have been elected to some leadership role within the various levels of our fraternity. What makes this program unique is the student development foundation on which it is based. Several student development theories will be used as the theoretical framework within which this academy will operate. Such theories include the Student Wellness Model for holistic development, involvement theory, moral development, service learning, and much more. The Wellness Model will be of particular importance because it allows us to tap the cognitive, social, spiritual, physical, and cultural dimensions of our college brothers’ development.
The academy’s faculty will be comprised of several alumni brothers who are outstanding training and development specialists as well as student affairs practitioners who work with college brothers on a daily basis and whose expertise will add to the breadth and depth of the academy. To date, there are 564 academy alumni, whose names are included in this packet.
At the bottom of this page is a link to the sample academy schedule based on previous years and an application for the Upsilon Class. Please consider applying for the academy if you will be in a leadership position for the next academic year. The registration fee is $500 per participant, which includes housing and most meals. Also, all participants will be responsible for their travel expenses to and from Baltimore.
If you represent an alumni chapter, please encourage the leadership of the college chapter(s) in your area to apply. Any financial assistance that alumni chapters give to assist college chapter officers will greatly enhance the success of this program. Moreover, this will be a great way to strengthen your portfolio should you choose to compete for the coveted Charles H. Wesley Award, which recognizes exemplary college and alumni chapter relations. Please feel free to contact Brother Ralph Johnson, Ph.D. at or 443.538.7602 if you have any questions.
We look forward to seeing you!