Final Reminder: Apply for the 2016 Education Foundation Scholarships Today!
Final Reminder: Apply for the 2016 Education Foundation Scholarships Today!

Education Foundation Scholarship: Please type all information. The essay should be thoughtfully and clearly written but succinct. The application will be rated on appearance, verifiability of information, clarity, and evidence of achievements. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Application deadline: Postmarked by May 30, 2016. Scholarship Award is $2,000.
Distinguished Collegian Award: Please type all information. The essay should be thoughtfully and clearly written but succinct. The application will be rated on appearance, verifiability of information, clarity and evidence of achievements. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Application deadline: Postmarked by May 30, 2016. This is a non-monetary award. A plaque will be provided to recognize brothers’ academic achievement.
2016 The Alpha Vacation & APA Board Of Directors Meeting
2016 The Alpha Vacation & APA Board Of Directors Meeting

There is no Alpha General Convention this year but Alpha is still promoting brotherhood. Join your brothers and their families at the Alpha Phi Alpha Family Vacation in New Orleans from July 21st – 24th, 2016. The Hilton Riverside, the site of the Alpha Phi Alpha Board of Directors meeting, is in an oversold condition at this time. However, we were able to secure some additional rooms at a discounted rate at the Sheraton New Orleans Hotel where you’ll only be two blocks away from the Hilton Riverside, Warehouse District, French Quarter, and Bourbon Street.
There are a limited number of rooms available with a special “Alpha Family” room rate of $149 per night. June 14th at 5:00 pm CST is the last day to get your special “Alpha Family” room rate. Reserve your room today by clicking here or by calling (866) 716-8134 or (504) 525-2500!
Board of Directors Meeting
The Board of Directors will convene at the Hilton Riverside during The Alpha Family Vacation and the results of the election for the 35th General President will be announced on Friday, July 22nd, during the meeting. Brothers interested in attending the board meeting, please click here to complete a short attendee survey.
The Loss of a General Office Employee
The Loss of a General Office Employee

Brother *|LNAME|*,
We lost a valued member of our General Office staff to domestic violence. Angel Veney, Alpha’s Branding Coordinator, began working with the fraternity almost two years ago. Ms. Veney was responsible for helping to maintain the high standards of Alpha Phi Alpha by working with our vendors, partners, and even you, our brothers, on how to best place our registered marks and branded identity.
She leaves behind six children, Jasmine (27), Teara (25), Donnell (23), Amber (19), Calin (10), London (8), and a host of family and friends.
The family has setup an account for contributions in her honor. Her expertise and enthusiasm for the work of Alpha will be missed in the General Office.
I ask you to keep Ms. Veney, her lovely family, and the General Office staff in your thoughts and prayers.
Brother Mark S. Tillman
2016 Alpha Leadership Academy Today is the Last Day
2016 Alpha Leadership Academy Today is the Last Day

Brothers, the application deadline is today, April 15, 2016.
The purpose of the academy is to provide a thorough, intense experience for young men who have been elected to some leadership role at the various levels of our fraternity. What makes this program unique is the student development foundation on which it is based. Several student development theories will be used as the theoretical framework within which this academy will operate. Such theories include the Student Wellness Model for holistic development, involvement theory, moral development, service learning, and many more. The Wellness Model will be of particular importance because it allows us to tap the cognitive, social, spiritual, physical, and cultural dimensions of our college brothers’ development..
2016 General Office Internship Apply for the General Office Internship, Today!
2016 General Office Internship Apply for the General Office Internship, Today!

The application for the Alpha Phi Alpha General Office Internship is now officially open. The summer internship will be from June 1-August 12, 2016 at the General Office, located in Baltimore, MD. To find out more information and to complete the application, please visit the national website by clicking here. Applications must be received by April 11, 2016, 8p.m. EST to be reviewed for consideration. If you have any questions please e-mail
New Director of Membership Services
New Director of Membership Services

Effective December 28, 2015 Brother Denny N. Johnson began his role as the Director of Membership Services at the General Office. Brother Johnson is a results-driven professional with a proven track record of increasing effectiveness, maximizing resources, and delivering effective growth in non-profit organizations. He also brings experience on strategic guidance on a variety of organizational development issues and has developed trainings for non-profit organizations, government agencies, corporate, and institutions of higher learning.
We believe Brother Johnson’s experience and background will assist the Membership Services Department to continue to grow and develop our members and field staff, while improving department operations, efficiency, and stakeholder relationships.
A 1987 honors graduate from Livingston High School as well as a cum laude graduate of Alabama A&M University, who attended on an academic scholarship, was initiated into the Delta Gamma Chapter on March 5, 1989, and received his B.S. Degrees in Agricultural Economics & Agribusiness Educational Management, in 1992. He is a former chapter President to Delta Gamma and served as the Assistant District Director of Alabama as well as a National Belford V. Lawson Oratorical Finalist at the 85th Anniversary General Convention in August 1991. Moreover, Brother Johnson was the epitome of leadership throughout his college days at A&M, for he was involved in various on-campus and civic organizations.
Brother Johnson, who is currently an active member of the Pi Upsilon Lambda Chapter in Largo, MD and Life Member of the Fraternity, has served on the national, regional, district, and local levels in various leadership roles since being initiated to the Fraternity. Brother Johnson, who is known throughout this Eastern Region and the entire Fraternity as a “Brother’s Brother, is also a stalwart in the Metropolitan Washington, DC community through his involvement and leadership roles with several professional and social organizations and serving on various Board of Directors. He has received numerous awards for his community and civic involvements, to include the U.S. Presidential National Volunteer Service Award for tremendous dedication to both youth and families in the local community by the President’s Council on Service and Civic Participation in 2009 as well as the Elliot Hair Award for Outstanding Leadership & Mentoring Efforts in the Metro DC area by the 100 Black Men of Greater Washington DC in 2008. Brother Johnson is an active member of The Sanctuary at Kingdom Square Church in Capitol Heights, MD, where he has served in various ministries, including the Deacons Ministry, the Security Ministry, the Ministry Assimilation Council, and the Scholarship & Secular Education Ministry. He is married to the former Deborah T. Crosby, a native of Washington, DC, and they reside in Bowie, MD.
Carrington Comes Back To Work For Alpha, Sort Of.
Carrington Comes Back To Work For Alpha, Sort Of.

Brother Kirk D. Carrington, II is the newly hired Project Manager at BrightKey. In his role, Brother Kirk D. Carrington, II leads the Membership Support Services Center team and is responsible for serving as the liaison between BrightKey and the Fraternity’s Corporate Office. Furthermore, he is tasked with the oversight of all aspects of the Membership Support Services; including membership information processing, warehousing and fulfillment services.
Brother Kirk D. Carrington, II is an Alumnus of the Morgan State University and holds a Bachelors of Science in Marketing and is currently pursuing a Masters in Human Service Administration with a focus in Counseling via the Coppin State University & University of Baltimore collaborative Master’s program. Post completion of his Master’s Degree he intends to pursue a Doctoral Degree in Leadership and Management and the University of Maryland University College.
A Fall 2006 Initiate via the Delta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. , located in Baltimore, MD and Life Member 12398, he has previously served as a Membership Coordinator for the Fraternity’s Corporate Office, and presently holds the Office of Eastern Region Chairman of Reclamation & Retention; a capacity in which he has served since 2009.
2016 Alpha Leadership Academy Application Available for Download
2016 Alpha Leadership Academy Application Available for Download

Dear Brother <<Last Name>>,
In the spirit of brotherhood, Alpha Phi Alpha Education Foundation announces the nineteenth annual Alpha Leadership Academy for College Brothers, which is scheduled for June 4–10, 2016, at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland.
The purpose of the academy is to provide a thorough, intense experience for young men who have been elected to some leadership role at the various levels of our fraternity. What makes this program unique is the student development foundation on which it is based. Several student development theories will be used as the theoretical framework within which this academy will operate. Such theories include the Student Wellness Model for holistic development, involvement theory, moral development, service learning, and many more. The Wellness Model will be of particular importance because it allows us to tap the cognitive, social, spiritual, physical, and cultural dimensions of our college brothers’ development.
The academy’s faculty will be comprised of several alumni brothers who are outstanding training and development specialists as well as student affairs practitioners who work with college brothers on a daily basis and whose expertise will add to the breadth and depth of the academy. To date, there are 510 academy alumni, whose names are included in this packet.
At the bottom of this page is a link to the sample academy schedule based on previous years and an application for the Tau Class. Please consider applying for the academy if you will be in a leadership position for the next academic year. The registration fee is $500 per participant, which includes housing and most meals. Also, all participants will be responsible for their own travel expenses to and from Baltimore.
If you represent an alumni chapter, please encourage the leadership of the college chapter(s) in your area to apply. Any financial assistance that alumni chapters give to assist college chapter officers will greatly enhance the success of this program. Moreover, this will be a great way to strengthen your portfolio should you choose to compete for the coveted Charles H. Wesley Award, which recognizes exemplary college and alumni chapter relations. Please feel free to contact Brother Ralph Johnson, Ph.D. at or 443.538.7602 if you have any questions.
We look forward to seeing you!
Brother Ralph Johnson, Ph.D.
We will Protect this House: A Warning Against Hazing
We will Protect this House: A Warning Against Hazing
Hazing Warning

Dear Brother *|FNAME|* *|LNAME|* [ID#:*|ALPHAID|*],
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. does NOT condone hazing! Any member found violating the fraternity anti-hazing policy will be immediately suspended with a recommendation for expulsion. In addition, the fraternity will cooperate with law enforcement to ensure that any person violating the law will be brought to justice. Hazing is Illegal.
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. does NOT condone hazing! Any member found violating the fraternity anti-hazing policy will be immediately suspended with a recommendation for expulsion. In addition, the fraternity will cooperate with law enforcement to ensure that any person violating the law will be brought to justice. Hazing is Illegal.
Brother *|LNAME|*, if you are participating in or knowingly allow any hazing activity, you do not support the mission, vision or aims of Alpha Phi Alpha and do not deserve the privilege of membership. This is not the Alpha man we envision when reciting “The House of Alpha.” By participating in hazing, you erode the foundation of quality, integrity, honor, and standard for excellence that hundreds of thousands of Alpha men have worked tirelessly to erect.
Alpha men are expected to make sacrifices and take the lead, but only in areas that support the MISSION of this fraternity. Hazing in any manner does not do this. For those who are interested in continuing to support this social scourge (acts of hazing), we ask you to weave this into your listing of Alpha quotes:
– Mark S. Tillman, 34th General President
If you are found violating our anti-hazing policy, we are cutting you loose. Again, if any MEMBER or CANDIDATE of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., is found to engage in conduct inconsistent with our mission, that individual will be dealt with firmly with proper sanctions and possibly legal action.
In short, if you are among those found causing harm to the brand, image and positive actions of Alpha Phi Alpha, we cannot and will not be able to call or treat you as our brother.
Celebrating the Life and Legacy of Brother Jesse Owens
Celebrating the Life and Legacy of Brother Jesse Owens

His dedication, persistence and talents transcended him to the icon we know and love today. We encourage all brothers to support the film RACE this weekend, the new biopic about the life of Jesse Owens distributed by Focus Features and promoted by Brothers Tirrell Whittley [Beta Nu ’93] and Nick F. Nelson [Beta Nu ’94], owners of LIQUID SOUL.
