Insurance & Risk Management
Alpha Phi Alpha has partnered with HRH/Kirklin & Co., LLC to provide all active chapters with a blanket insurance policy for chapter events as well as additional coverages. The responsibility for the success of the insurance program rests with our FRATERNITY and the CHAPTER. It is always important to remember that our first line of defense in liability matters is loss prevention, next is loss control, and the insurance contract is the final line of defense. The undergraduate and alumni members’ willingness to understand and assume the responsibility of sound risk management practices is a cornerstone of the program.
In the event that an incident or claim does arise, the Executive Director of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. and HRH/Kirklin & Co., LLC will oversee the effective handling of all incident and claim investigation.
HRH/Kirklin & Co., LLC strives to provide risk management resources to complement the loss prevention and control efforts of its clients. Please visit to review the HRH/Kirklin & Co., LLC website. You will find a number of risk management resources that can assist you in your daily lives as well as information on your insurance protection, as well as online forms for; purchasing property coverage, liability and property claim reporting and making requests for additional insured protection.
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. makes every effort to fully disclose its Insurance & Risk Management Policies, including but not limited to: distributing brochures and information through field leadership, chapter advisors and chapter presidents. Training chapters and newly initiated members during workshops conducted during and after the Membership Intake Process and at District, Regional and National conventions. Information about hazing and the hazing policy is provided in the membership application and incorporated in the workshop presentations during the membership intake weekend process.
Please download the Insurance & Claim Manual for a full description of the insurance program.
NOTE: This program was designed to protect the Fraternity, the Chapter, and all participants/patrons involved in your event(s). Completing the necessary documentation only takes 10-15 minutes.
Insurance and Risk Management Documents
Alpha Phi Alpha MAPP Brochure
Additional Insured Request Form
Athletic Event Participation Waiver
Incident Claim Reporting Form
Insurance Manual
Special Event Checklist*