Founders Day 2015

Brothers, this year, as we celebrate the 109th anniversary of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, I would like for us to collectively take the time to focus on how we have impacted the world around us. Use December 4th as a commitment to service and mentoring in honor of the architects of this fraternity and the rich legacy we have built. Our children are 100% of our future and the work that we do as Alpha men must be carried on long after we are gone.
Brothers, on this Founders Day share the hashtags #RaisedByAnAlpha #APhiA109 and #FatherhoodFriday. Let people know that Alpha men are pillars of our communities and family men who care about the issues concerning our neighborhoods. Reinvest in our fraternity by getting active, staying active and becoming big brothers and mentors to young men who need us.
Enjoy yourselves, brothers, and continue to do the real work of Alpha.