26th General President (1981-1984) Ozell Sutton [Pi Lambda, ‘50] has transitioned into Omega Chapter, Alpha Phi Alpha’s chapter of sweet rest.
Brother Sutton, a community servant-leader and civil rights activist, was born on December 13, 1925, on a plantation in Gould, Arkansas. In 1944, Sutton became one of the first African-Americans to serve in the United States Marine Corps. After his service, Brother Sutton graduated from Philander Smith College in 1950 and went on to become the first black reporter for the white-owned publication Arkansas Democrat. In 1957, he served as one of the escorts for the Little Rock Nine and, in 1961, Sutton became director of the Arkansas Council on Human Relations. To learn more about Past General President Sutton, please click here.
Arrangements are pending. We will provide more information as it becomes available.
Please pray for the family of 26th General President Ozell Sutton. It is because of brothers like him advocating for our communities that we are in fact the College of Friendship, the University of Brotherly Love and the School for the Better Making of Men.