This past year has seen many actions against our young black men. Racism seems as rampant as ever before, and our communities are still looking for leadership in support of a better life for their families.
We walk in the footsteps of those who have blazed a trail while giving us the insight to create a new path for our future. Use your voice like our brothers of Zeta Alpha at the University of Missouri and our brothers in the Windy City of Chicago who boldly protested against prejudice and violence.
Tomorrow, let’s show the impact of Alpha men at home and in our communities. Read below to see how you can honor our contributions to those who counted on us.
Let’s show Alpha Cares…..’06!

This Founders Day, let’s show the world who we are.
Brothers, we need your help. Our late Alpha brother Stuart Scott’s daughters, Taelor and Sydni Scott (@taeandsyd), pictured above, have a special request for the men of Alpha on our Founders Day. Tomorrow, Friday, December 4th, in honor of #FatherhoodFriday use the hashtag#RaisedByAnAlphaMan. The goal is to show the impact that Alpha men have at home raising families as fathers or mentoring others in their communities.
How will this work?
Tweet/Post/Instagram a photo with your children or those you have influenced as a father figure or mentor, and post it on your Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram page on Friday, December 4th.
Instruct your children or mentee(s) to tag you in their posts with the hashtag #RaisedByAnAlphaMan in honor of you being a positive influence in their lives.
Who should participate?
Everyone. Young or adult children of Alpha men, people who have been raised and/or mentored by an Alpha man, Alpha chapters with photos including group photos, community services activities, etc. Anyone and everyone who feels their lives have been enriched by an Alpha man should join us on Facebook, Twitter,and Instagram.
Sample Social Media Posting:
@apa1906NETwork We’re proud of our Alpha Phi Alpha dad/mentor! (@ALPHA MAN NAME HERE) #RaisedByAnAlphaMan #FatherhoodFriday #APA109
Happy Founders Day @apa1906NETwork #APA109 #RaisedByAnAlphaMan
Alpha Phi Alpha has made an impact on my life! #APA109 #RaisedByAnAlphaMan #FatherhoodFriday