My Brothers of Alpha,

Hurricane Harvey has landed in the Southwestern Region of our country and has caused a great deal of devastation in the states of Texas and now Louisiana. Overwhelming flood waters have stranded many brothers and their families in their homes or have forced them to evacuate and find shelter elsewhere. Weather forecasters warn that more rain is eminent as the citizens in a widening area brace themselves for even more flood and storm related emergencies.

Our collective thoughts and prayers are with those affected by this storm. As state and federal relief agencies respond to this situation our brotherhood is also poised to provide help and necessary assistance to those affected by this catastrophic storm. Brother Tarrynce Robinson, Southwestern Regional Vice President, and his leadership team will continue to coordinate the Fraternity’s on the ground response. However, I am calling on the greater brotherhood to support relief efforts by donating to the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Disaster Relief Fund. This fund aided in the Fraternity’s ability to support those brothers impacted in 2005 during Hurricane Katrina, and I am confident this resource will assist those brothers and their families now battling the impact of Hurricane Harvey. Detailed instructions on how you can contribute to the fund are provided below.  All funds collected will be distributed from the Corporate Headquarters to brothers in need.

Men of Alpha have always answered the call to service. Our commitment to serving all of humanity compels us to urgent and deliberate action on behalf of those in need. It is in times like these that our brotherhood must marshal its collective resources to aid a population that has been made vulnerable as a result of immeasurable damage. I am confident that we as Men of Alpha will once again rise to the occasion as servants of all. Thank you in advance for your financial support and continued prayers. First of All, Servants of All, We Shall Transcend All.

Onward & Upward Always,


How to make a donatation to the Alpha Disaster Relief Fund: 

1. Log into your AlphaNet Account 

2. On the top right corner, click Donations 

3. Under General Tasks, click Make a Donation 

4. Alpha Disaster Relief Fund should be listed as the first donation option

5. Enter your donation amount

6. Follow the prompts to complete the transactions by entering in your card information

7. If you prefer to make a donation by check, please send all contributions to:

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
P.O. Box 405478
Atlanta, GA 30384-5478

Make checks payable to Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity and note Alpha Disaster Relief Fund on the description line