Statement Regarding the Tragedy in Orlando
Brothers, sadly, homophobia, bigotry, and hate are alive and well in our country. Whenever lives are lost to ignorance and a heinous act of violence, it impacts each and every one of us. A gunman walked into a nightclub on June 12, 2016, and killed at least forty-nine people and wounded fifty-three more in an attack that has left some of us with many questions. Our hearts and prayers go out to the families of those who have been killed and wounded as well as the LGTBQ community. No person should ever be in fear of their safety because of who they are, what they look like, or who they love.
I encourage every brother to become educated and advocate for change beyond hash tags. In this election cycle it is vital that we press for and elect leadership, particularly on the state and local level, that will stand and fight against hatred of any kind. Our chapters will continue to push for voter engagement, education, and registration, as we have for over 80 years, by using our Voteless People is a Hopeless People national program as a vehicle to empower voters to be true advocates.
Immediately, I ask that all brothers in the Orlando area donate blood, to prayerfully help the surviving victims of this massacre. I am also asking that all brothers everywhere join your Orlando brothers in solidarity by donating blood this week, in your area, to help others who may need it.
Our members should continue to work to destroy bigotry and hate, in all forms, as we are compelled to do as men of Alpha. Love is truly what conquers all and we must love all mankind enough to create spaces to educate and be advocates committed to a better future for all of us.

Mark S. Tillman