Thank you, Brother William Douglass Lyle, for Your Service to Alpha Phi Alpha

On behalf of the Board of Directors and the staff at the General Office, I want to thank Brother William Douglass Lyle for sixteen years of service to Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. A 1997 initiate of Xi Chapter at Wilberforce University and life member, Brother Lyle joined the General Office of Alpha Phi Alpha in 2000 serving every day with passion and a renewed commitment to this brotherhood.
Brother Lyle has supported five general presidents, served in many positions, including communications coordinator, director of communications, editor-in-chief of The Sphinx, and, finally, executive director. During his tenure, over thirty-two thousand members were initiated into this fraternity. Respected by partners, university officials, and his peers of the National Pan-Hellenic Council organizations, Brother Lyle has been a tireless advocate for hazing prevention and fraternal values.
Brother Lyle is “Mission Focused,” and he is committed to the school for the better making of men. I wish many blessings to Brother Lyle as he pursues the next leg of his journey, and it is with sincere gratitude for his service that we wish him much success in his new endeavors.
Join me in thanking Brother Lyle for his commitment to the fraternity. The announcement of Alpha Phi Alpha’s new executive director is forthcoming.
Mark S. Tillman
General President