The Loss of a General Office Employee

Brother *|LNAME|*,
We lost a valued member of our General Office staff to domestic violence. Angel Veney, Alpha’s Branding Coordinator, began working with the fraternity almost two years ago. Ms. Veney was responsible for helping to maintain the high standards of Alpha Phi Alpha by working with our vendors, partners, and even you, our brothers, on how to best place our registered marks and branded identity.
She leaves behind six children, Jasmine (27), Teara (25), Donnell (23), Amber (19), Calin (10), London (8), and a host of family and friends.
The family has setup an account for contributions in her honor. Her expertise and enthusiasm for the work of Alpha will be missed in the General Office.
I ask you to keep Ms. Veney, her lovely family, and the General Office staff in your thoughts and prayers.
Brother Mark S. Tillman