Brother *|LNAME|*, again we find ourselves mourning the loss of two more Black lives, Alton Sterling of Baton Rouge, La. and Philando Castile of Falcon Heights, Minn., at the hands of police within 48 hours of each other. I express my deepest condolences to the family, friends, and loved ones of Mr. Sterling and Mr. Castile.
In the last couple of days, I spoke to the presidents of Beta Iota Lambda and Xi Nu Lambda chapters [Baton Rouge, LA] and Gamma Xi Lambda chapter [Minneapolis, Minn.]. I offered support and direction as they are the boots on the ground in these cities representing the fraternity in the wake of these recent tragedies . Also, pray for Brother Melvin “Kip” Holden [Xi Nu Lambda], mayor of Baton Rouge, and the job he must do as the leader of that city.
We have seen far too often the killing of black and brown people at the hands of police. Now we have seen acts of violence that have led to more horrific acts of violence towards officers in Dallas, TX for whom I also offer condolences. No brother of the Dallas Police Department was harmed. Continue to pray for the safety of our brothers in law enforcement who are putting their lives on the line for us every day.
The cycle of social media outrage followed by the inserting of a name that becomes a hashtag repeats what we have seen before and will only change through action and accountability. There are clear reforms needed and steps that have yet to be taken to proactively address these situations and a long list of others. We must demand accountability of those agencies sworn to protect and serve while providing transparency for civilians and police. I encourage you to review the list of actions below to be informed and aware of what you can do to be a part of the solution.
Brother *|LNAME|*, our records indicate your status and affiliation within the fraternity:
Active with the Fraternity? *|ACTIVE|*
Affiliation: *|CHAPTER|*
I have stated this before–I need brothers to stay involved, stay financially activewith the fraternity, and connect to a chapter in your area. The work of Alpha Phi Alpha is done locally in our communities where we can have the greatest impact. When you became a member you were asked, “What can you do for ALPHA?” I need you to be engaged, connected, and committed.
In the wake of the ceaseless extrajudicial killings of African-Americans, we take to the streets to vent our frustrations, and to be honest, I did too. Statements of condolence offer limited comfort, and for me, they have become too routine. Our statement on yesterday reflects this very point and it must stop. Otherwise, we are simply replacing names in a form letter. Alpha brothers have taken an oath to be servants of all. When we work together as Alphas, we can truly transcend all.
Mark S. Tillman
- Demand comprehensive federal tracking of police killings to be done by the Federal Bureau of Investigations. In the pursuit of justice, in order to understand the full scope of this problem, we must know the statistics.
- Advocate for civilian and outside agency oversight of police shooting investigations, which should become standard practice.
- Support the NAACP today, led by Alpha brother Cornell William Brooks. Alpha has a long history of supporting the NAACP and our joint advocacy efforts.
- Support the National Urban League today, led by Alpha brother Marc H. Morial, and review the NUL’s “10-Point Justice Plan: National Urban League Police Reform and Accountability Recommendations”
- Be proactive and engaged in your local Alpha chapter. Every community has its own challenges. You can be most effective if you join with your local brothers and determine what those challenges are and how best to change them.
- First of All, WE VOTE. If we want to see real systemic change, we have to continue to keep people informed, get people registered, and push people to the polls. Also, support brothers who are in office and running for office to create policy changes. We need someone on the inside fighting for us.
- Support brothers in law enforcement. As mostly men of color, brothers in law enforcement face difficult dilemmas when confronting misconduct of their fellow officers. Integrate the workshop, “The Law and your Community” into your mentoring programs. This workshop, developed by the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives (N.O.B.L.E.) and jointly executed with NPHC organizations, is focused on teaching our community members how to safely interact with law enforcement. For more information on how to deliver this training, please contact Brother Kevin H. Williams [Gamma Lambda] at
- Grow the next generation of Alpha leaders by becoming a mentor. Boys grow into the men they see. These are tough times and young men are scared and angry. They need men to help them properly funnel that anger into collective action.