Your New Sphinx Magazine is Here!

Brother *|LNAME|*,
Who are we? What do we do? Why does it matter? These are the three most important questions we should ask ourselves when we do anything in the name of Alpha Phi Alpha.
This magazine explores the underground culture of hazing as it is not an appropriate representation of what this organization was founded upon. It further explores the challenges hazing creates and what can be done to support efforts of HAZING PREVENTION.
Brother *|LNAME|*, as a member of the fraternity, living in *|CITY|*, you have experienced Alpha from a different perspective and life path than others. As such, we want to challenge you to evaluate whether or not your initial interactions with the fraternity are accurately reflective of: Who Alpha Phi Alpha is? What Alpha Phi Alpha does? And why the work Alpha Phi Alpha does matters to our communities?
Your actions on a personal level develop our organization on a national level. Because of this, we aim to get all brothers on the same page so that Alpha can move forward together on one accord being who we say we are and truly working to empower our communities.
We look forward to your feedback and hope to inspire you to submit an article to The Sphinx magazine.
Our Picks

An in-depth look at the founders’ thoughts on hazing as a condition of membership into the fraternity.

An Op-Ed by 2014–15 Eastern Region Assistant Vice President Julian Jackson on the importance of eliminating hazing from Alpha Phi Alpha.

Brother *|LNAME|*, we appreciate every submission we get for The Sphinx and ask that if you have something that fits in one of the following themes, then consider submitting a feature:
- The Black Family (being a good father, little girls learning from their fathers, making mentees part of your family)
- The Convention Issue (mission objectives after Charlotte, the importance of the business of Alpha, life outside the business sessions)
- The Race, Class, and Education Issue (the future of America in relation to race, class, and education)100 years of The Sphinx would not have been possible without all the contributions brothers have made to it over the years, and now, we need your support.