Application Checklist


ALL DEADLINES must be strictly adhered to.

Fall 2023

Monday, August 21st, 2023
Application window opens
Please Note: Applications are due by the date designated by the District
Director. Work with your sponsor to confirm the date.

Sunday, October 8th, 2023
Application Window closes/End of District Director Review/Approval Period
Please Note: Overall, this is the LAST day an application can
be REQUESTED, NOT the last day you have to SUBMIT your application
(unless you were provided that specific guidance by Alpha Leadership–this
can be confirmed by speaking with your District Director).
Friday, October 14th, 2023
IMDP window opens

Sunday, December 17th, 2023
IMDP window closes

Monday, January 15th, 2024

Application window opens
Please Note: Applications are due by the date designated by the District
Director. Your sponsor can confirm the date.
Sunday, March 3rd, 2024

Application Window closes/End of District Director Review/Approval Period
Please Note: Overall, this is the LAST day an application can
be REQUESTED, NOT the last day you have to SUBMIT your application
(unless you were provided that specific guidance by Alpha Leadership–this
can be confirmed by speaking with your District Director).

Friday, March 8th, 2024
IMDP window opens

Sunday, May 12th, 2024
IMDP window closes

Fall 2024

Monday, August 19th, 2024
Application window opens

Please Note: Applications are due by the date designated by the District
Director. Your sponsor can confirm the date.

Sunday, October 6th, 2024
Application Window closes/End of District Director Review/Approval Period
Please Note: Overall, this is the LAST day an application can
be REQUESTED, NOT the last day you have to SUBMIT your application
(unless you were provided that specific guidance by Alpha Leadership–this
can be confirmed by speaking with your District Director).

Friday, October 11th, 2024
IMDP window opens

Sunday, December 15th, 2024
IMDP window closes

Spring 2025
Monday, January 20th, 2025
Application window opens
Please Note: Applications are due by the date designated by the District
Director. Your sponsor can confirm the date.

Sunday, March 9th, 2025
Application Window closes/End of District Director Review/Approval Period
Please Note: Overall, this is the LAST day an application can
be REQUESTED, NOT the last day you have to SUBMIT your application
(unless you were provided that specific guidance by Alpha Leadership–this
can be confirmed by speaking with your District Director).

Friday, March 14th, 2025
IMDP window opens

Sunday, May 18th, 2025

IMDP window closes

Fall 2025
Monday, August 18th, 2025
Application window opens
Please Note: Applications are due by the date designated by the District
Director. Your sponsor can confirm the date.

Sunday, October 12th, 2025
Application Window closes/End of District Director Review/Approval Period

Please Note: Overall, this is the LAST day an application can
be REQUESTED, NOT the last day you have to SUBMIT your application
(unless you were provided that specific guidance by Alpha Leadership–this
can be confirmed by speaking with your District Director).

Friday, October 17th, 2025
IMDP window opens

Sunday, December 14th, 2025
IMDP window closes

Spring 2026

Monday, January 19th, 2026
Application window opens
Please Note: Applications are due by the date designated by the District
Director. Your sponsor can confirm the date.

Sunday, March 8th, 2026
Application Window closes/End of District Director Review/Approval Period

Please Note: Overall, this is the LAST day an application can
be REQUESTED, NOT the last day you have to SUBMIT your application
(unless you were provided that specific guidance by Alpha Leadership–this
can be confirmed by speaking with your District Director).

Friday, March 13th, 2026
IMDP window opens

Sunday, May 17th, 2026
IMDP window closes

Fall 2026
Monday, August 17th, 2026
Application window opens
Please Note: Applications are due by the date designated by the District
Director. Your sponsor can confirm the date.

Sunday, October 11th, 2026
Application Window closes/End of District Director Review/Approval Period
Please Note: Overall, this is the LAST day an application can
be REQUESTED, NOT the last day you have to SUBMIT your application
(unless you were provided that specific guidance by Alpha Leadership–this
can be confirmed by speaking with your District Director).

Friday, October 16th, 2026
IMDP window opens

Sunday, December 13th, 2026
IMDP window closes

Spring 2027
Monday, January 18th, 2027

Application window opens
Please Note: Applications are due by the date designated by the District
Director. Your sponsor can confirm the date.

Sunday, March 7th, 2027
Application Window closes/End of District Director Review/Approval Period
Please Note: Overall, this is the LAST day an application can
be REQUESTED, NOT the last day you have to SUBMIT your application
(unless you were provided that specific guidance by Alpha Leadership–this
can be confirmed by speaking with your District Director).

Friday, March 12th, 2027
IMDP window opens

Sunday, May 16th, 2027
IMDP window closes

Fall 2027

Monday, August 16th, 2027
Application window opens
Please Note: Applications are due by the date designated by the District
Director. Your sponsor can confirm the date.

Sunday, October 10th, 2027
Application Window closes/End of District Director Review/Approval Period
Please Note: Overall, this is the LAST day an application can
be REQUESTED, NOT the last day you have to SUBMIT your application
(unless you were provided that specific guidance by Alpha Leadership–this
can be confirmed by speaking with your District Director).

Friday, October 15th, 2027
IMDP window opens

Sunday, December 12th, 2027

IMDP window closes

Spring 2028

Monday, January 17th, 2028
Application window opens
Please Note: Applications are due by the date designated by the District
Director. Your sponsor can confirm the date.

Sunday, March 5th, 2028
Application Window closes/End of District Director Review/Approval Period
Please Note: Overall, this is the LAST day an application can
be REQUESTED, NOT the last day you have to SUBMIT your application
(unless you were provided that specific guidance by Alpha Leadership–this
can be confirmed by speaking with your District Director).

Friday, March 10th, 2028
IMDP window opens

Sunday, May 14th, 2028
IMDP window closes

Fall 2028
Monday, August 21 st, 2028
Application window opens
Please Note: Applications are due by the date designated by the District
Director. Your sponsor can confirm the date.

Sunday, October 15th, 2028
Application Window closes/End of District Director Review/Approval Period
Please Note: Overall, this is the LAST day an application can
be REQUESTED, NOT the last day you have to SUBMIT your application
(unless you were provided that specific guidance by Alpha Leadership–this
can be confirmed by speaking with your District Director).

Friday, October 20th, 2028
IMDP window opens

Sunday, December 10th, 2028
IMDP window closes

Any questions regarding these dates please email