Application Checklist


The fees include a $325.00 non-refundable application processing fee, $60.00 non-refundable background check, $25 non-refundable Sphinx pin, initiation fee, intake assessment, grand tax (membership fee), National Housing and Building Assessment, copy of Alpha Phi Alpha’s Constitution & By-Laws, shingle (membership certificate), passcard (identification of membership), volume 1 and volume 2 of the official Alpha Phi Alpha history book, fraternity pin, Alpha blazer, and shipping and handling fees.

The following are the application fees based on classification according to a candidate’s official transcript.

Alumni $1,590

College Freshman $1,500

College Sophomore $1,425

College Junior $1,350

College Senior $1,275

NOTE: Your classification is based on how you are identified on your academic transcript provided by the institution.

The following fees are collected as a candidate progresses through the IMDP process. The Cluster Fee is non-refundable. The Regional and Chapter Fees are subject to a refund if the candidate is rejected or removes himself during the IMDP process.

• Cluster Fees: Support the administrative execution of the IMDP process that includes costs of food, paper copies, Ceremonies and Ritual essentials.Collected during Friday of Week 1 (Refer to Sponsor for expected cost PRIOR to beginning the IMDP process)

• Regional Fees: If applicable, support a candidate’s participation within the region of his intended chapter of membership, such as registration to attend a regional convention.

• Chapter Fees: Candidate’s membership dues of his intended chapter of membership. The chapter fees (chapter dues) may not exceed two years. Collected during the Friday of Week 3

Regional and Chapter Fees are collected during the Friday of Week 3. The candidate is to work closely with his sponsor to obtain the expected amounts PRIOR to beginning the process.

All fees must be paid with a major credit/debit card via AlphaNet.