Remembering Our Fallen Brothers

Today, Americans in large numbers will visit our national cemeteries and places of worship to honor their loved ones, their friends, neighbors, colleagues, even the unknown-to-them men and women who gave their lives in defense of our nation. Memorial Day is a time to reflect on their service and their sacrifice, even as our men and women in the Armed Forces are completing dangerous missions in distant lands, putting their lives on the line for the “American Dream.”
We recall the ultimate price paid of all who have set their personal aspirations aside for the preservation of our society. Whether it is World War I, World War II, or conflicts in Korea, Vietnam, Kuwait, Iraq and Afghanistan or countless other military engagements, we owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to the men and women who took arms against the enemies of the United States and the would-be tyrants of the world, laying down their lives to ensure a brighter future for the loved ones they left behind.
Alpha joins with all Americans in honoring military brothers who were called to serve and we offer prayers for those whose sacrifice is felt today by their families and friends.

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